A Coffee Bean

Friendship is like a good cup of coffee. You can have it anywhere, anyhow. ‘Anytime’ is something I have to think about, because time holds my life together (or untogether).

I planned to go to NY for a single reason – to see Baby. I thought having coffee and cigarettes with her after a year would be nice, and very refreshing from my messy, tight cage called work. So I worked on my US VISA, which almost held up my Schengen VISA for my next business trip. I pushed all possibilities so that my return trip will enable me to pass by NY for a day. And this became my inspiration through all the shit I had to go through in my one week in Bogota.

I landed for the first time in the Land of the Free. After surviving a long cue of non-residents, I smiled at the Immigration Officer who asked me – “So, have you come to join the ship?” I said, “I’m sorry, what did you say?” He asked – “Ms. Gallardo, what do you do?” I managed to make my job sound important starting with a phrase that says “the Government of Colombia invited me for this meeting…” It was only while I was picking up my luggage that I realized he mistook my name as Colombian and thought I was one of those who are dying for the green American pastures.

At 6:30 AM, a Black guy drove the taxi… to Brooklyn. Just wonderful. First time travelling alone, in NY, and I may be heading for the lion’s den. And so I felt warm just seeing her by the door waiting for me. She gained much weight, more grey hairs, but the same warm smile was there. Good.

A cozy apartment. If she didn’t push me to take a bath so we can leave to see some of NY’s best, I would’ve stayed there in their living room throwing my hands into the air as I told her all the stories she’s missed in my life, our friends, and our country. I relived every feeling with her – laughing and crying. On our way to the subway and into the spots we visited, it was her turn to be my portable Nat Geo and TV drama rerun in one. An hour later, she started coughing from her drying throat. On ocassion I also told her of how similar or different NY was from Paris or Amsterdam or Stockholm- the architecture, the city structure, and the people.

We managed to smoke every now and then, while walking. This wasn’t fun for me. Like Bogota, they have a city ordinance that smoking is allowed only on the side streets. Since there are no cafes by the street, we can’t have coffee and smoke at the same time. If there were, I had to rethink if I want to stay outdoors on a 1-degree C day, regardless of whatever. It was too cold for me I blew my face by the hand dryer in the toilet just so I could move my facial muscles again. I swore I will never have Botox.

By 5:00 PM, my eyes were drooping from very little sleep in the past week. She wanted to show me more, but I thought I already got the pattern. I remember my last question was about why the Union Square is called as such. NY had many interesting peculiarities, but I doubt if there is anything that unfolds slowly and mysteriously.

And so we came back to the apartment. I had a quick dinner, was asleep on their sofa by 7:00 PM, and awake at 4:00 AM. I found a bottle cap on the dining table – from a beer she had... alone. When she woke up, we had breakfast with her stepmother. We each lit up a cigarette outside of the door and by our second puffs, the taxi driver has arrived. At the airport I sent her a message telling her of all the things we didn’t have time to do in NY, but that we managed to do something we never planned before and I never imagined – to meet in NY!

Baby is coming home in three months. She and I are not best friends, but every now and then we grow this little bean called friendship. I realised that growing friendship is about doing it not only when it is easy, but more importantly when it is difficult but our hearts say this is a moment to connect.

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